Plumb Library Summer Program 2024
“Read, Renew, Repeat”
Participation Instructions
The 2024 MA statewide summer library program, “Read, Renew, Repeat”, begins at Plumb Library on June 12 and ends on August 3. Online registration is required. Once registered, visit the library to pick up logs, BINGO sheets, paper schedule, and more! Participation is based on personal schedules.
To successfully complete the Plumb summer library program, registrants use a log to track reading (at least 30 minutes per day), event attendance and activities completed. There are also logs to just record books read. All logs must be turned in to the library by 2 pm on August 3 to receive an invitation to the Captain Bonney’s Ice Cream and Toppings party on August 10.
The free Plumb program encompasses 3 age groups:
- Children ages 3-12
- Tweens / Teens ages 12 and up
- Adults
To join a program, please register using the links on our homepage starting June 12. Registration is open through August 1.
Library activities and events are listed on our online Events Calendar:
- Starting June 12, you can register for the events you wish to attend by clicking the REGISTER box on each dated event. Events Calendar
- Starting June 17, you can drop into the library weekly to unscramble a word and complete the Seek & Find activity.
How to Earn a Trip to the Treasure Chest
Weekly prizes can be earned for completing Scrambled Word, Outdoor Seek and Find, and for getting a BINGO (across, down or diagonal) on a library provided BINGO sheet.
How to Log
All reading counts! Read or be read to at least 30 minutes per day. Audiobooks, magazines, graphic novels and e-books all count!
There are different logs:
- Preschool Log
- Children’s “Circle Log” to record reading, event attendance and activities completed
- Teen & Adult Logs have both a reading and activity log and a completed titles log.
Logging example: If within a day you read 30 minutes, went to a library program, and completed a BINGO (across, down or diagonal), you would fill-in 3 circles on the children’s log. For the adult and teen log, you would color in three images.
Completed logs must be turned in by 2 pm on August 3. To be considered complete, the children’s, teens’, and adults’ reading/activity log must have all circles or images filled in as you choose – stamp, sticker, check mark. For Teens and Adults, reading 6 books on the reading record log counts as a completed log.
Share your log with a librarian (once per week if you can!) to earn color sticker tiles for our “StickTogether” mosaic. Our goal is to fill in all the blanks to uncover a hidden picture. For the reading/activity logs, every circle or image colored in on the log equals a color tile for the mosaic. For reading record logs, every book read equals a color tile for the mosaic.
Plumb Library & RMS Partnership
Plumb Library and Rochester Memorial School are summer reading partners. Once the Plumb Library log is turned in on August 3, students should switch to the RMS log and keep reading until August 23! RMS logs are turned into children’s classroom teachers in the Fall. See below, or visit the RMS homepage or Library Media Center page for RMS documents.
Families may elect to do the RMS program only. In this case, use the RMS log from June 12-August 23.
There is no required reading for either the Plumb Library or Rochester Memorial School children’s program. The ORRJHS and ORRHS do have required reading. Please see below for those links as well. Contact your schools or view their websites for more details!
The Massachusetts Statewide Summer Library Program is funded by the Massachusetts Library System, the Boston Bruins, and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners. Locally, the program is supported by the Friends of Plumb Library, the Rochester Lions Club, the Rochester Firefighters Association, Friends’ Marketplace at Plumb Corner, and many community donors and volunteers.
School Information
ROCHESTER MEMORIAL INFO: Plumb/RMS partnership Program Information and RMS Summer Reading Log:
Summer Reading Program Information 2024
ORRHS Students: 2024 Summer Reading Lists
ORRJHS Students: 2024 Summer Reading Lists
Books should be available through Sora.
Here are details on how to set up a Sora account: Sora
Old Colony Summer Reading Lists 2024